Coming in August 2008


Yes, that is exactly what it looks like!  A baby!  Can’t you tell???  Ok, so the area between the two cursors is our next little bundle of joy.  I am almost 7 weeks and feeling crappy!  I am due sometime at the end of August.  We had this ultrasound done on Thursday.  We got to see a heartbeat, which was great.  Things seem to be going well and hopefully will continue that way. 

Cole, or course, has no clue that his life will be turned upside down so he is doing great.  My patience tends to wear a little thin with him.  I’m not sure if that’s from the pregnancy or from having been home with him constanly for the last 3 weeks.   I had to take down our Christmas tree yesterday.  It was driving me crazy.  We tried a new spot for it this year, and it worked well until the Toys R Us exploded in our living room.  Now that the tree is gone our living room is a little more tolerable.  I just wish I had enough ambition to tackle the laundry and the dishes.  Ah, the joys of pregnancy!


Filed under Becky, Cole, Family, News

4 responses to “Coming in August 2008

  1. Rachel


  2. Kristen

    I love it! Another baby to torture Cole!


  3. sarah

    i knew you were pregnant! congrats hun:)

  4. Andrea

    How exciting!! congrats!

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